Our Children Are Watching

Two different messages but both with the same intent got my attention over the past 24 hours. One was from the Proverbs 31 Ministry Devotions post ‘Mom in the Mirror’ which was an excellent message and the other from my perpetual calendar: “Abijam… was as great a sinner as his father was” (1 Kings 15:1, 3 The Living Bible). The reader is prompted to consider this question: “If my children grow up to follow in my footsteps, will I be pleased about where those footsteps lead?”

Very worthwhile question to think about. Our children do watch us and periodically I’ll hear myself in my grown daughters – most of the time I am happy with what I hear and see. There are times though when I hear my mum’s echo when I’m speaking and I pull up suddenly.

My life today is vastly different to the one I grew up in, but sometimes I revert to old patterns of thinking and responses. Whilst I had a happy childhood and knew that I was loved, there were times when we were told things that I haven’t wanted to tell my own children. I know the intent was good – they didn’t want me to get my hopes up about life and things in general and suffer great disappointments in the process, but I’ve encouraged my daughters to dream big and aim high.

What caused the difference between what I was taught and what I teach my children? I committed my life to the Lord Jesus Christ in my teen years and learnt that not everything I’d been taught aligned with the Word of God. Too many Christians today forget they are sons and daughters of a King, a child of God, and He wants the best for us – why shouldn’t we dream big and aim high?

How do your children view you as a mother and guide for their lives? As King Lemuel’s mother instructed her son in the ways of life, so must we encourage and instruct our children and not leave it to anyone else. This includes the way we react to things – children do copy mannerisms, voice tones, and the ‘wrong’ words. And it is most important that they understand their inheritance in life. Life isn’t always fair and we all experience disappointments. But if we allow those disappointments rule our decisions and plans, we will miss out on the things that God has waiting for us. Why not demonstrate that to our children too?

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