In Pursuit of Proverbs 31 Blog Carnival
I’m thrilled to be hosting this week’s edition of the Proverbs 31 Blog Carnival and I hope you enjoy reading the posts entered as much as I have. Please do go and visit them all and leave a comment if you feel moved to do so. Bless you!
Please Accept This RSVP As Regret… by Jenny Cereal
Poor Jenny has so much to do!
Riding Lessons by GP
Lessons in life and from God are all around us… even from our horses.
The Christmas Letter by Heather Harris
A thoughtful letter for this time of year.
Our Holiday Traditions by Amy
Looking at holiday rituals.
In Other Words by Susan
Do you have too much to do?
30 Days of Joy by Southern Belle
Great recipes to share.
Christmas Advent Links by Southern Belle
Have fun exploring these!
Can We Change? by Christelle at Beloved Mama
Looking at behaviour in women
There you have it! Some great messages.
And now one from me!
Are you someone working towards being a Proverbs 31 Woman?
The Christmas period puts so much stress on our time and finances – as if we need that extra stress! Remember in verse 15 of this chapter is the mention of ‘servant girls’. The P31 Woman was not alone in her work and neither should you be. Encourage family members (no matter what age) to assist in the home and in the preparations for this coming season to celebrate the birth of our Lord. Doesn’t matter if it’s just setting a table, putting gifts under the tree, hanging baubles on the lower branches or putting stamps on envelopes to post cards. Whatever it is, don’t succumb to the temptation to do it all yourself – it might not quite be done the way you do it, but does that really matter? It’s the love that goes into it that matters and children love to help – especially if they are given praise and hugs afterwards. They’ll grow up wanting to continue to help and make your life at home an easier load to bear.
And think carefully about the money you’re spending – it’s so easy to spend on impulse, particularly at this time of year. We all get caught up in the excitement of this season but also what has commonly been called ‘consumerism’ as well. Seek God for wise counsel on what you should be doing and remember to thank Him also.
I hope you enjoyed these carnival entries!
December 7th, 2007 at 2:50 am
You have touched on a subject that most people shy away from out of fear… Thank you! WE need this reminder. We need to realize that we can’t justify by saying that we are “giving” because if we truly consider our heart then we might see that we give out of what we get in return meaning, praise, elaborate thank yous, adoration and even envy. These are not reasons to give.
Great post!
December 7th, 2007 at 4:13 am
This is so perfect. I was just writing on my homestead blog that very thing. That we do not need to do it all. We should delegate.
Excellent post. Thank you for hosting! 🙂
December 7th, 2007 at 9:39 am
Amy – I’m so sorry I missed this carnival! I was ready with a post all thought out in my head but then I couldn’t find my way back to this post. But I’ll mark it this time and get a post up for next week. Wonderful thoughts to share with each other! Nina
December 7th, 2007 at 1:20 pm
When is the next carnival and who is the host? I would like to submit an entry here. Thanks!!
January 22nd, 2008 at 2:35 pm
Hi there,
I know this is pretty late, and I am not sure if anyone will ever read this comment, but I thought I leave one anyways. Here is my post for the carnival.
January 22nd, 2008 at 2:39 pm
Oops! Wrong url.
Here is the right one! Sorry!
May 28th, 2011 at 8:27 am
[…] may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Today’s carnival is being hosted by Kathie from Proverbs 31 Woman. Thank you so much for hosting […]