Proverbs 31 Woman – a presentation

I hope you enjoy this PowerPoint Presentation I’ve made of the Proverbs 31 Woman. It is a modern day interpretation of who she is, i.e. a business woman and a work at home mum. I would love to hear your thoughts about the presentation, either here or at Youtube.
Thank you.

25 Responses to “Proverbs 31 Woman – a presentation”

  1. Karen O'Bannon Says:

    Great video. Tells the whole story at a glance.

  2. Lisa Olinda Says:

    Dear Kathy:

    I teach a Senior High Girls Sunday school class and we recently were discussing the Proverbs 31 woman. Can I publish this to my personal blog ( giving you full credit of course to share with them? It really shows the modern day woman and the various rolls she plays. I tease my children about all of the different hats I wear. Thank you for sharing. Lisa

  3. proverbs31 Says:

    Certainly Lisa, I would be honoured.

  4. Deirdre Shockley Says:

    I just watched your video on YouTube. I can hardly see the screen to type because of my tears.

    It was wonderful to see scripture brought to life in that way. When I think of the Proverbs 31 woman I always think of my mother, who went to live with Jesus in 2004, but most of all I think of an ancient woman long ago. After watching this video I’m reminded once again how the Bible is a LIVING Word and that it is just as relevant to us today as it was to those who read it in ancient times. The lesson I receive from this scripture is how I am to conduct my life as a woman; after loving my Christ, my next tasks are to respect my husband, care for my family, then be a Virtual Assistant. In all these things I can bring honor to my husband and God. Thank you Kathie.

  5. Mrs. C Says:

    Thank you. I needed this reminder to be the woman God wants me to be tonight. Thanks also for commenting on my blog. Am embedding this video in a short post to share with my readers.

    Bless ya!

  6. proverbs31 Says:

    You’re welcome Mrs C – and we all need reminding. Thank you so much for sharing the clip with others!

  7. Chatty Kelly Says:

    Thanks for visiting my site! Yours is amazing and I enjoyed the video too. I’d love to hear you speak…if you ever come to the US. Keep up with God’s work! Be Blessed!

    Thanks again for visiting me.

  8. Mamta Says:

    Nice,would like to post it to few groups I moderate if I can have the permission.
    Great Work 🙂

  9. proverbs31 Says:

    Certainly Mamta. I would be honoured for you to do so. I’ll send you an email I’ve been sending out with a direct link to it if you like?

  10. Mamta Says:

    Yes please do that would be nice.thanks

  11. Should Christian Families Teach Their Daughters Business? | Says:

    […] […]

  12. Lori Says:

    Thanks for a lovely reminder of the Biblical beauty of a godly woman…in any generation.

    Blessings to you and your ministry,

  13. proverbs31 Says:

    Thank you Lori. It’s so good to know that people are viewing this.

  14. Lori Says:

    Yes, we’re planning to show it at our church on Sunday. Bless you!

  15. proverbs31 Says:

    ah yes, Mother’s Day! Thank you for sharing it with others. Bless you too.

  16. Jean Tumuhairwe Says:

    God bless you for sharing this inspiring message with us. It reminds me that I need to be dependable, perfect wife and mother and above all God fearing.

  17. proverbs31 Says:

    You are most welcome Jean. Glad you found this site.

  18. Brenda Says:

    Love the PPT! Is there any way I could copy and use it? My church does not have access to Internet.

    Thanks! 🙂

  19. proverbs31 Says:

    Hi Brenda, there are tools online (via Google) you can get to help you download a youtube clip, so yes, you can do that. At youtube I mention I’m happy for it to be used at churches and other places as long as it’s kept intact/unedited. Glad you like it. We’ll be using it at our church this Mother’s Day. Bless you.

  20. Ann Says:

    Thank you so much for making this power point! I am from Bangkok, Thailand, and will be speaking on this subject at my church’s woman’s meeting this Sunday. This power point would be a perfect introduction. May I use it and change the verses into Thai?

  21. Ann Says:

    Oh, is there some way that I can edit your youtube clip into Thai?

  22. proverbs31 Says:

    Glad you like it Ann and yes, you may use it. I don’t know if there’s a way you can edit it though. I spent many, many hours creating it and then putting it to music. The original was created in Powerpoint, then each slide saved as an image and inserted into Windows Movie Maker and then the music added and timing set with the transitions. So, to edit it in Thai I’d have to go back to the original files and change all the text and then recreate it all over again.

    Is it possible for you to speak while it’s being shown, interpreting each slide?

  23. edna Says:

    thanks so much for an excellent clip. I’d like to use it in our church. How can I download it? thanks so much…

  24. proverbs31 Says:

    I think you can at Youtube, but if you have challenges, then please contact me so I can organise it another way for you.

  25. Mike Briggs Says:

    The video was great but now I get I error when I try to watch it. I want to use it from my kids class on Wednesday. Anyway I could get access? My phone number is 903-767-3124 if you would like to communicate that way.
    Mike Briggs

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