An opportunity to connect with others

I know that a lot of people read this blog and visit every single day, some are also subscribers. I’ve started up a network specifically for women interested in networking with others who has an interest in being a Proverbs 31 Woman. I know that so many of you have businesses of your own, or would like to start a business from home and I feel we could all benefit from each other’s experiences, knowledge, encouragement, prayers and support. So, if you want to meet us, why not join by clicking on the button below? And I’ve also put it on the front of the blogsite for all visitors. I look forward to getting to know you all over time!

I’m still tweaking the network site and learning how the system works, so if you have experience with Ning, I’m all ears!

View my page on Proverbs 31 Woman

3 Responses to “An opportunity to connect with others”

  1. Beverly Mahone Says:

    Good luck with Ning. I’ll make sure I get over there because I sure could use some additional encouragement and a WHOLE LOT OF PRAYER.

  2. Kimberly Says:

    I’ve requested to join the network. I unjoined a whole bunch of them I was in because of the spam mail and also inactivity of the networks. I hope the P31 Woman group works for you. I look forward to the encouragement. Praise the Lord!


  3. proverbs31 Says:

    Kimberly, I’m delighted you have joined us! I look forward to lively discussions, support, encouragement and prayer from members of the group as it grows.

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