Archive for the 'Bible Study' Category

Proverbs 31:21-22

Friday, September 22nd, 2006

When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet. She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple.

I believe these two verses are about planning ahead, being prepared. Most women I know are naturally good planners, foreseeing their family’s needs and preparing in advance for different things taking place throughout the year. In fact I find that they tend to plan more for their family and their home, but often forget themselves at times in that planning.

Do you find that? I do. Often I’ll organise everything that’s needed for around the home and for each member of the family and leave myself to last. If I don’t have a lot of time left that’s ok, I make do. But I always like to make sure that everyone is cared for, that they have what they need in advance, and that the house is well and truly organised in advance.

We have a wedding in the family coming up in a week’s time – our youngest daughter. And of course there’s been lots of planning involved in that. And there’s always the ‘fear’ that something will get forgotten! Thank goodness there are several of us involved in organising it, and not just one.

Planning means to prepare something on purpose, to have an end in mind. And for the Proverbs 31 woman in the verses above, she was planning for warmth and comfort to her family, both during the day and at night, when the winter came.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we praise you and thank you that you gave us the ability to plan and prepare ahead. We know that you have a plan for each and every one of us – we see the evidence of this as our lives move on. We seek your guidance in our daily lives and our daily planning, so that we can achieve the things that you would have us do. Help us to become better wives, mothers, sisters, daughters and Proverbs 31 women. Amen.

Proverbs 31:20

Thursday, September 7th, 2006

She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.

It’s no accident that a large number of volunteers in helps organisations are women – this is by design. By design of the fact that women tend to have a large streak of compassion within because of their mothering nature, but also because they are more likely to be at home, either part-time or full-time at some stage in their adult lives, they tend to ‘find the time’ to contribute to worthwhile causes. Often they go with children in tow, or perhaps whilst the kids are at school.

Even when the women retire, or are widowed, they tend to gravitate towards groups of volunteers, both for the social aspect as well as knowing that they are being useful and helping someone in some way.

In the verse above it shows the Proverbs 31 Woman to be a provider, someone who cares, supplies, supports, and has compassion. As women we need to be careful though, that we don’t allow our compassion override the needs of the family. Our family are very important and also need caring for. However, by our example, family members (children) can learn to also care for those in need – not just materially, but those who lack friends, those who are ill, those who are disabled, those who are shunned for whatever reason. Let our children also learn to have compassion for others and when they see a child being ostracized at school, to learn to reach out a hand, or speak up and be a friend. KMT

Prayer: Our most wonderful Father who has the greatest compassion of all. You have led us and shown by example the kind of compassion we should have through Your people in the Old and New Testaments and through your most precious gift, Your Son Jesus Christ. We pray you will show us when opportunities arise that we can exercise the very example given above by the Proverbs 31 Woman. Amen.

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Proverbs 31:19

Sunday, August 13th, 2006

In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers.

In her day, the Proverbs 31 woman would have had chores that had to be done, irrespective of how she felt about them. And this would have included spinning and making fabric for her family’s needs. Some would have enjoyed doing this and others wouldn’t have. Guess it’s the same today. Some enjoy cooking and others don’t. Some enjoy knitting and sewing and others don’t. But we have more choices available to us as to whether or not we do those things, so probably don’t think of it in the same light.

I work at home and prefer to be in front of my computer but there was a time when I loved knitting and created many new items for my family members. When the girls were little I even sewed dresses and trousers for them. Those days are long past, but perhaps once I’m a grandmother, they might return. Depends :-). I keep telling my girls I’m not ready to be a grandmother yet but the eldest is almost 26 and has been married over 2 years. I know it won’t be much longer before she becomes a mother as she is always commenting on her friends’ babies.

Going back to doing the chores of the household – even that word ‘chores’ sounds a burden, doesn’t it? We should really feel blessed we can do those things, even if we don’t enjoy it. There are many who don’t have the use of their limbs, or have bodies that have restricted usage. It is a blessing to be able to look after our own homes and our own families but often we forget that. What do you do when you’re working around your home? Do you talk to our Lord and praise Him? Perhaps sing to Him or discuss things with Him? Having Him join you in your daily work around the house will lighten your load and allow you to enjoy the day more, and even the chores. Why not see those chores as a Proverbs 31 woman activity and perhaps you’ll appreciate what you can do a little more.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for the giftings you have given us, and the abilities we have to provide for our families and for making a house a home. Please help us to bless others with our giftings, and in those areas we where have need, perhaps someone else may come along to bless us with their giftings. We thank you Father. Amen.

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Proverbs 31:17-18

Sunday, July 30th, 2006

She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night.

Have you ever felt you just can’t do it all? That you just want to curl up, go to sleep, and let the world go by? I’m sure you’ve had times like that, I think we all do. They are the times when we need to draw on our Lord for the strength to go on, and to do the things that our family and those dependent upon us, need from us.

When we’re feeling good, well, strong it’s not difficult to feel like this Proverbs 31 woman – our arms being strong, our ability to get a lot of things done in one day. Being able to keep getting it all done, being profitable with both finance and with our time and for our lamp (and our energies) not to go out at night.

I get lots of people asking me how I manage to get so much done? How do I do all that I do? I like to think it’s because I’m focussed and that God blessed me in being able to work in an area that I totally enjoy. I like to think it’s because I know my purpose and am happy in it. Most people who know me, know me as someone who is bright, cheerful, positive, happy, motivating and encouraging. But I’m not like that all the time and there are times when I’m down and very dependent on our Lord to pull me back up again, to shine His light even stronger within when I feel my own has gone out. Just last night at church our Pastor spoke of how through our own weaknesses the strength of God shows through. That He is glorified when things happen at times when we are feeling our weakest. And I’m sure that’s the secret of the Proverbs 31 woman – she has her (our) Lord within guiding her and helping her throughout her days.

These two verses show a woman who endures, who keeps going, who is strong for all that she must do and be. Do you want to have endurance, stamina and strength to carry on?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we have struggles every day that threaten to knock us down, to stop us in our tracks, to keep us from our purpose in life. We pray that you will instil in us the virtues of this Proverbs 31 Woman and plant within us the strength and endurance depicted in these verses.

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