Archive for the 'Bible Study' Category

Proverbs 31:2 NIV

Tuesday, April 25th, 2006

O my son, O son of my womb, O son of my vows,

As she is speaking to him, she reminds him of their closeness, their relationship, how he was once inside her body and a physical part of her. A reminder to him that he should listen to what she has to say, that she has a genuine need, desire and reason for imparting knowledge to him, for sharing her wisdom. That she needs him to know things she knows because they have a bond.

I wonder how many mothers feel this way about their children today? I wonder how many children realise or understand this close connection – at least prior to becoming parents themselves. There is something special about the bond a mother feels for her children and if that is something that can be maintained and kept as they grow older, it is indeed something very special. That is not to say that the child can’t cut the ‘apron strings’ as they grow up, but if they maintain an open ear to their mother’s wisdom, then that is such a blessing – especially if that mother is one who listens to her Lord and Saviour when sharing with her children.

Prayer: O Father, we pray that You will impart wisdom for us to share with our children, and we pray also that You will give them ears to hear, a mind to discern, and a heart to love and listen with.

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Proverbs 31:1 NIV

Monday, April 24th, 2006

The sayings of King Lemuel – an oracle his mother taught him:

His mother (Bathsheba) was obviously a wise woman and one who influenced her son a great deal, in order to teach him as she had done. She is often portrayed in various ways by people studying the Bible, but whatever/whoever she was, her teachings to Lemuel showed a maturity with age and experience. This teaching came to him from an early age, and from a mother who knew and loved God. It is not uncommon for an adult to recall what they have been taught as children and we, as mothers, have an important role in this regard. Fathers also have an important role to play in teaching their children, but when the children are really young, it is frequently the mother who has the most influence.

Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, who has shown us much love and patience, teach us to show this same love and patience to our children as they grow up, so that they may too, grow to love your Words and your ways.

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