Welcome to new readers
I know with the new publication of Footprints Australia magazine I’ll gain new visitors to this site, so I just wanted to say hi to you all. While I did write to this site regularly for many, many months, I now only write to it on occasion, when our Lord gives me a new insight to something to share on this topic. However, if you have any questions, or thoughts, that might open a discussion or lead to a new post, please feel free to contact me via this site or the comments section and I would be happy to do something about it.
March 5th, 2012 at 8:12 pm
Hi Kathie, sorry to hear your husband has been in an accident but how wonderful he is home with you now. I have enjoyed reading your messages especially the Mothers Day message, you have a caring heart to think of others who have no children. My Children are all in Heaven, but I still enjoy Mum’s day because of my friends and Neighbours Children, they have greatly blessed my life and so have the Children that I have taught R.E to for 15 years, God always makes up for the lack in our lives.
Christian Love Anne
March 6th, 2012 at 8:29 am
I’m glad these messages have been a blessing for you Anne and thank you for sharing some of your story.
March 17th, 2012 at 10:34 pm
Praying that you will be greatly blessed with lots of visitors and interest from the ad in Footprints!!!!