Is Your Mother “Worth More Than Rubies”?
Proverbs 31:10 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.
Mothers Day is just weeks away, did you know that? The days and hours are ticking away…
Last year I published a book based on this famous Proverbs 31 verse “She is Worth More Than Rubies†because it spoke of the value of a wife and mother in the home. Not just a wife and a mother, but a work at home mum and business woman.
With the demands we have in life, jobs, interests, needs, family, friends, etc it is sometimes very hard to focus on our near and dear, those who really have need of us. The Proverbs 31 woman gives us the perfect example of a business mum and work at home mother, there for her family, running everything perfectly and contributing to the household income.
Now, I’m not expecting any of us to be running our households perfectly – there’s just no way we can do that, but we can learn a lot from this perfect role model.
Nearly 15 years ago I went through a real struggle, trying to cope with a corporate job and managing a household which consisted of a husband and 5 young daughters. I thought I was going to go crazy and if it weren’t for something that happened in 1993, I probably would have.
Have you noticed that when you are desperate and leaning towards a particular thought, that other things around you seem to congregate together to reinforce and confirm that thing? Both for the good and the bad?
This has been known as a number of things – I like to think of it as the RAS or the reticular activation system – what you think about you are drawn towards. Today many talk of The Secret or the Law of Attraction – it’s the same thing. But this is also a biblical principal as I mentioned in a post at my blog “The Law of Attraction – a Christian Viewâ€.
For me, it was simple. I desperately wanted to be at home for my family. I needed to earn an income. I had good skills and needed to find a way I could use them and earn money at home. Can you relate to this? I’m sure many of you can.
I won a wonderful prize in my city – Secretary of the Year in 1993 for the state of Victoria (Australia) and this was sponsored by Microsoft. Amongst my prize package was the full MS Office suite of that time.
We didn’t have a PC at home in those days but I said to my husband if we did, I could work at home. So we set about shopping for a PC for home – funny but not many people had computers at home in those days. I already had an Atari I used for music and simple databases and typing of stories but now I was moving into the ‘big stuff’. From that moment on a seed was sown in my head and within 6 months I’d left my safe, secure, government job and was setting up business at home. Can you imagine doing that? Leaving the security of your job? Or perhaps your job isn’t that secure these days?
I have not looked back – I love being home, I love that I have been here for our daughters as they grew up. They’re all now in their 20s but have very little recollection of a mum who worked in a job – my ‘job’ was at home where I belonged.
Going back to Mothers Day. The book I mentioned would make a wonderful gift for anyone you know who has the same hankering, the same passion, desire, call it what you will. I do believe that “Worth More Than Rubies†will not only confirm for the reader of their true worth but will also set them on the path to discovering what they can do to return home to work. I researched a number of businesses that could be run from home and list 64 different roles at the back of the book so that anyone reading it can see they have the same opportunities I did.
Now, wouldn’t that make a wonderful Mothers Day gift?