Worth More Than Rubies

I love the Proverbs 31 woman and what she represents – a safe home and family environment, filled with love, warmth, caring, nurturing, provision. I believe, where possible, women should be at home with their children and they too, can be a business woman, just as the Proverbs 31 woman was. Below is an interview I did late last year after my book “Worth More Than Rubies: The Value of a Work At Home Mum” was launched.
The clip below comes from Youtube.

5 Responses to “Worth More Than Rubies”

  1. Kimberly Says:


    The video is outstanding. Thank you.

    Just listening to it makes me wanna be a VA. (=

    You’re doing a great job.

    In the service of the Master,

  2. proverbs31 Says:

    Thank you Kimberly, much appreciated. I love what I do but even more, I love that God has helped me to be home for my girls which is so important to me. As I get older it seems the importance intensifies hence the reason for my passion in sharing this with others.

  3. Heidi Caswell Says:

    Thanks for the video. You are an inspiration to others.

  4. Melodieann Whiteley Says:

    Great video! You are such an inspiration to those of us who are striving to live by the values of Proverbs 31 and to be true Proverbs 31 women.

  5. PopArtDiva Says:

    Thanks for posting the video – it was a great way to learn more about you and your book and what inspired you!
    And what a nice interview!

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