Proverbs 31:17-18
Sunday, July 30th, 2006She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night.
Have you ever felt you just can’t do it all? That you just want to curl up, go to sleep, and let the world go by? I’m sure you’ve had times like that, I think we all do. They are the times when we need to draw on our Lord for the strength to go on, and to do the things that our family and those dependent upon us, need from us.
When we’re feeling good, well, strong it’s not difficult to feel like this Proverbs 31 woman – our arms being strong, our ability to get a lot of things done in one day. Being able to keep getting it all done, being profitable with both finance and with our time and for our lamp (and our energies) not to go out at night.
I get lots of people asking me how I manage to get so much done? How do I do all that I do? I like to think it’s because I’m focussed and that God blessed me in being able to work in an area that I totally enjoy. I like to think it’s because I know my purpose and am happy in it. Most people who know me, know me as someone who is bright, cheerful, positive, happy, motivating and encouraging. But I’m not like that all the time and there are times when I’m down and very dependent on our Lord to pull me back up again, to shine His light even stronger within when I feel my own has gone out. Just last night at church our Pastor spoke of how through our own weaknesses the strength of God shows through. That He is glorified when things happen at times when we are feeling our weakest. And I’m sure that’s the secret of the Proverbs 31 woman – she has her (our) Lord within guiding her and helping her throughout her days.
These two verses show a woman who endures, who keeps going, who is strong for all that she must do and be. Do you want to have endurance, stamina and strength to carry on?
Prayer: Heavenly Father, we have struggles every day that threaten to knock us down, to stop us in our tracks, to keep us from our purpose in life. We pray that you will instil in us the virtues of this Proverbs 31 Woman and plant within us the strength and endurance depicted in these verses.
proverbs31:17, proverbs31:18, proverbs 31 woman, virtuous woman, endurance, strength