Have you read “Worth More Than Rubies?”

August 9th, 2008

I’ve had many wonderful testimonies sent to me by readers of my book.  And I would love to share those testimonies with others too.  If you have an account at Amazon.com why not login and leave your review for others to read?  Sharing your testimony with others is a wonderful way to share God’s message to the world.

Sharing God’s Word in public events

July 22nd, 2008

I’ve had the joy and privilege of speaking at several seminars and conferences recently. And because my message is directed at women who work from home or want to work from home it is well received.

I love that women come up to me during the breaks to ask say ‘you’re a Christian!’ or to ask about my faith and where I go to church. Most recently I spoke at a trade expo for an international group and both men and women came to me during the breaks to talk and share their beliefs also.

The title for my book ‘Worth More Than Rubies‘ catches the attention of many and when I’m asked about it publicly on the stage I am happy to explain that it comes from Proverbs 31:10 of the Old Testament – it provides an opening for me to share without being put in the category of ‘bible basher’ or similar.

I did my very first Church Sermon last Saturday night at Discover church.

The senior pastor is away on a missions trip and he asked me to speak at his church a few months ago but I didn’t realise till about 3 weeks ago that I was actually doing the sermon. I was rather nervous about that but forged ahead as I knew that God was with me. He had spoken through a Pastor form my church a few weeks ago at a home group meeting, telling Graham and me ‘it is time’ and I knew that this is part of what was spoken.

I spoke on the topic of my book – Proverbs 31 woman and took excerpts from my book and weaved more stories into it. Congregation of about 70 people. Lovely people. Graham and I prayed with a number of people at the end of the service – women who wanted prayer for their families and women and men who wanted prayer for their businesses. It really was a special night and it made me feel even closer to Graham than ever before. I didn’t think that possible. It was like God had provided a new bond or a new level in our relationship. Graham and I had never prayed with others in this way previously – as leaders that others came forward to. It was also the first time Graham saw me speak in a professional capacity. Think he was both surprised and pleased at how I did.

I just want to thank everyone for their prayers for me over the past few weeks and I praise God that He trusted me with this role.

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Are You Setting Yourself Up For Failure?

June 26th, 2008

Some people are sent to try us! There are some people in our lives who are constantly calling on us to do things for them, get them out of trouble, sort out their problem and so on. You know the type of person don’t you? I’m sure you do. We have someone like that in our lives too. We love her dearly but do get frustrated that she just doesn’t seem to be able to organise herself and often calls because she needs our help to get her out of a situation.

Most of the time it’s because of bad planning. The problems arise because she suddenly thinks of something she needs and has forgotten and, because I work from home and am here 99% of the time, with the car, guess who gets called to rush to her aid?

I get torn between going to help her out of trouble, and leaving her to sort it out – she needs to start becoming independent. This person is in her mid 20s and is very intelligent and capable, but lacks organisation.

Perhaps it’s not that you know someone like that, but you might be like that yourself and you find yourself in the bad habit of just not planning ahead, not foreseeing your needs and then having to lean on someone at the last minute because you can’t sort it out alone.

All through verses 10-31 of Proverbs 31, the wife and mother is shown to be someone who plans, looks ahead, considers things before she does them, and sets about her tasks vigorously. There is not a hint of indecision, of last minute rushes, of failing to achieve. In fact, the second half of verse 27 says she does not eat the bread of idleness – this indicates to me that her mind is always on what needs to be done, and what there is ahead of her.

If you are someone who fails to plan, the old saying says that you are planning to fail, and there is some truth in that. None of us can see ahead to what might be, but we can certainly plan ahead for what could be.

Are you setting yourself up for failure or are you planning to be organised and ready for whatever lies ahead? It’s your decision. But if you find you can’t manage it alone, then know that you can call on God to help you. Lay it all before Him and ask Him to help you be more organised in your day, every day.

Book being launched at Amazon!

June 19th, 2008

My book “Worth More Than Rubies” is being launched at Amazon next week. And I’m doing a special offer with giveaways for a 24 hour period only. Of course, the book will always be available, but if you want to experience the special offers, then it needs to be purchased during the time period listed below.

The date is:

Special offer (24 hours only): From 12.01am 27th June 2008 AEST(10am 26th June – 9.59am 27th June US EDT)

See Amazon Campaign for advance details.

If you’d like to be reminded of the launch and the goodies that will be available please register below – you’ll get an email from me just prior to the launch.

I don’t believe the form was working, so I’ve set up a Contact form.