Archive for the 'Author Comments' Category

The importance of a mother in the home

Monday, November 8th, 2010

I was chatting to a consultant a couple of weeks ago about contribution to society through our respective businesses. I told him how I’ve helped thousands of women (worldwide, not just here in Australia) return home to work and be there for their families.

When you think about it, how many less children would there be out on the streets exposed to all the dangers that are out there if there was a parent at home? How many families wouldn’t have to wait in line for childcare and pay exhorbitant prices because their mothers are working in and at home? How many children would benefit from seeing a work ethic demonstrated in their home because a parent is there working (I’ve helped a few men to do what I do too).  I’ve seen this in my own children.  And my eldest is already running her own business at home caring for her young son.  She’s grown up seeing mum do this so it was natural she should too – and her business is quite a different one to my own.

While not all women are cut out to work at home, and some would go stir-crazy because they need to be elsewhere some of the time, I feel overall that the economy and society would benefit hugely from a parent, in most cases the mother, were at home during the schooling lives of their children. How much different our society might be.

There is value in women finding a way to work at/from home, instead of being out in the workforce.  When at all possible, I believe mothers should be home for their families. That’s not to say they don’t have to work. I’ve been running a fulltime business in my home for most of those 17 years using skills I developed in the corporate world from 20+ years in the workforce peviously.

In Proverbs 31 we know that the woman/mother is working in the home and in verse 18 we are told ‘She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night.’   It goes on to tell us about the various things she does for both community (the poor and needy) and her famly at home.

If you are contemplating having a family I encourage you to look and see what it is you could be doing at home, contributing financially to the family household.  And if you’re stuck for ideas, my previous post The Things That I Do will give you some suggestions for working at home.

The things that I do…

Friday, October 15th, 2010

I haven’t shared in detail at this blog what I do in my work at home although my book “Worth More Than Rubies” does explain it.

I thought I might share what I do here in this blog to give you all hope.

My business began as a homebased secretarial business in 1994. The plan was to find some clients so I could work at home and be there for our 5 daughters. I had no idea how long I would do this for, I just knew I needed to be home while they were still quite young and in school.

18 months later the Internet entered the business scene and I found myself birthing a brand new industry – the Virtual Assistant – in my own country of Australia.    It was rather overwhelming at times – learning about the internet and how to use it for my business and suddenly being in this position of ‘leadership’ where I was guiding other women to do what I’d been doing – for such a short time.  Eventually I met other women online in the UK and Canada going through the exact same emotions.  It was an exciting time of exploration and development.

The Virtual Assistant industry is now around 15 years old and growing and developing.  There are Virtual Assistant networks and organisations in the US, UK, Canada and in Australia with smaller groups in South Africa, Argentina and other countries.  In Asian countries virtual companies have started up that act like virtual typing pools and they outsource their staff as well to clients.  In a time when global economies have been tough, self-employment is on the rise, helping many to gain control of their futures and the income they bring in.

Today I manage a network of Virtual Assistants in 11 countries and provide training and coaching for the industry, speak at conferences and events and write articles. And all the while my focus is on women working at home, being present for their families, just as the Proverbs 31 Woman was. My family was the reason I began working at home. Now my girls are all grown up and have left home, my focus is on helping other women get what I have had for many years. In fact, our eldest daughter is working at home – not doing what I do but is running her own business sewing and doing alterations so she can be home for her own son.

In the last chapter of my book “Worth More Than Rubies” I acknowledge that many women will read that book and think that it’s ok for me, as I have good computer and typing skills, but what about those who haven’t?  Can they also work at home?  My answer is ‘yes’ and I compiled a list of suggestions for that last chapter and which I want to share below.

And if you’re interested in finding out more about what I do, or if you can join my Virtual Assistant team, then why not visit my business site for more details?  As long as you have previous admin experience and good computer skills you would be eligible to do that type of work at home.  And now for that list of suggestions.

1.    Accountant
2.    Affiliate (online book sales, product sales)
3.    Artist
4.    Author
5.    Babysitter/Child carer
6.    Bookkeeper
7.    Breeder (dogs, cats, rabbits, etc)
8.    Business Coach
9.    Car Detailer
10.    Caterer (home cooking)
11.    Computer repairer
12.    Computer trainer
13.    Consultant
14.    Conveyancer
15.    Copywriter
16.    Database Administrator/designer
17.    Desktop Publisher
18.    Direct marketing
19.    Domain Reseller
20.    Dressmaker/Repairs/Alterations
21.    eBay trader
22.    ESL (English as a Second Language) tutor
23.    Freelance writer
24.    Ghost writer
25.    Graphic Designer
26.    Greeting cards
27.    Hair dresser
28.    Help Desk/IT support
29.    Insurance broker
30.    Ironing lady
31.    Jewellery maker
32.    Journalist
33.    Life Coach
34.    Magazine Editor
35.    Mail Order
36.    Marketer
37.    Mechanic
38.    Menu Planner
39.    Mortgage broker
40.    Musician
41.    Music teacher
42.    Non-profit organization – based on your interest or passion
43.    Party Plan operator (e.g. Amway, Avon, LeReve, Mary Kay, Neway, Tupperware)
44.    Photographer
45.    Piano teacher
46.    Professional Organizer
47.    Public Relations
48.    Public Speaker
49.    Publisher
50.    Realtor
51.    Researcher
52.    Resume writer
53.    Secretariat (for membership based groups)
54.    Software writer/architect
55.    Solicitor
56.    Stock broker
57.    Telemarketing
58.    Trainer (e.g. software)
59.    Transcriptionist
60.    Tutor
61.    Virtual Assistant
62.    Web Designer
63.    Web Host
64.    Wedding Planner

Shifting the forum

Saturday, April 24th, 2010

I have been running a discussion forum for P31 women at Ning but recent Ning annoucements have made me think about the direction of this group. With close to 200 members there is obviously an interest in this topic and a need for women to reach out to each other, however the style of forum meant members had to log in to find out what was happening and they weren’t receiving email notifications of updates or new members unless they subscribed to those threads.

I sent a message to members asking if they wanted the forum to continue or shall I just let it die and many emailed me saying if it were in email format they would participate and don’t want to see it go.

So I’ve now set the forum up at yahoogroups – the link is in the menu on the right of this blog or you can click on the link above.  Our intention is simply to connect with one another, share on our challenges and ask for prayer when needed, praise God for the good things in our lives, lean on each other, cry and laugh together and generally share the things that women love to share.

It is still a closed forum in that you need to be approved as a member to join and discussion are for members only.  We would love to see you there!

Remembering Roger

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

Do you remember my devotional about Roger?

Today I went back to our old house to do a final inspection after the cleaners had gone through to make sure all was in order before handing the keys over to the selling agent for the new owner.

After that I popped into the local shopping centre to buy some new summery frocks. I live in jeans but now I’m in the country I have this urge to once again wear long flowing loose summer frocks.

While wandering around the centre I saw a familiar man stooped over and walking.  It was Roger. I’d never seen him at the shopping centre before – it’s very large with lots of department stores and specialty shops. I’ve only ever seen him at the small shopping strip close to our old home.

I thought about whether to go say hi and turned around and noticed he’d stopped and he was holding his forehead in his hand.  This is a normal pose for him. I think he gets tired walking around but does lots of it.  So I went up to him and stood in front so he could see me (he’s partially deaf) and said ‘hello Roger’.  His whole face lit up when he recognised me.  He said hi and I explained we’d shifted and told him where. He said to me we were very lucky.  Sounds like he knows the area.  I asked him how was his Christmas and his face dropped, he said not special. I asked him if he saw his sisters and he said yes.  I asked him how his church was and his face lit up again and he said it was good.  He asked my name – he’d never known it and shook my hand.  I wished him the best and moved off again but not before saying I thought of him often.  He’ll never know I’ve written about him and that my story might have prompted others to look for people like him to bless.

I hope I’ve blessed his day.  I prayed for him as I went on my way.