Friday, November 28th, 2008Hi everyone, thank you for visiting this blog. I’m so sorry I haven’t updated here for awhile. Some of you who read my other blogs will know what’s been happening in my life but for those of you don’t, we sadly lost a daughter at the end of September and life has been very hard. I know that God is with us but it’s so hard to remain joyful and thankful when inside you are hurting and asking lots of questions as to why? Maybe God will let us know that in the future but perhaps we’ll never know until we meet him face-to-face.
So family life has changed and we are still adjusting to those changes.
But with the other things in my life it’s almost like nothing has happened – how can the world continue on when we’ve had such a devastating event in our lives? It’s a really strange paradigm to be in and those of you who have lost close family members will understand what I mean I’m sure.
I have been putting together another book this year called “It Happened By Design” and it’s a series of God-incidences from a number of contributing authors. Had I been the only author I would have held off till the new year to publish it but because I’d promised the other authors to get this out before Christmas I still went ahead with it, although it was delayed for a few weeks. I know they all understood and were patient with me.
The new book is now available online to order in Australia or at Amazon.com and there is a book launch on Monday 1st December for the Amazon.com promotion. Why not pop over to that site to check it out?