Our Children Are Watching

April 5th, 2007

Two different messages but both with the same intent got my attention over the past 24 hours. One was from the Proverbs 31 Ministry Devotions post ‘Mom in the Mirror’ which was an excellent message and the other from my perpetual calendar: “Abijam… was as great a sinner as his father was” (1 Kings 15:1, 3 The Living Bible). The reader is prompted to consider this question: “If my children grow up to follow in my footsteps, will I be pleased about where those footsteps lead?”

Very worthwhile question to think about. Our children do watch us and periodically I’ll hear myself in my grown daughters – most of the time I am happy with what I hear and see. There are times though when I hear my mum’s echo when I’m speaking and I pull up suddenly.

My life today is vastly different to the one I grew up in, but sometimes I revert to old patterns of thinking and responses. Whilst I had a happy childhood and knew that I was loved, there were times when we were told things that I haven’t wanted to tell my own children. I know the intent was good – they didn’t want me to get my hopes up about life and things in general and suffer great disappointments in the process, but I’ve encouraged my daughters to dream big and aim high.

What caused the difference between what I was taught and what I teach my children? I committed my life to the Lord Jesus Christ in my teen years and learnt that not everything I’d been taught aligned with the Word of God. Too many Christians today forget they are sons and daughters of a King, a child of God, and He wants the best for us – why shouldn’t we dream big and aim high?

How do your children view you as a mother and guide for their lives? As King Lemuel’s mother instructed her son in the ways of life, so must we encourage and instruct our children and not leave it to anyone else. This includes the way we react to things – children do copy mannerisms, voice tones, and the ‘wrong’ words. And it is most important that they understand their inheritance in life. Life isn’t always fair and we all experience disappointments. But if we allow those disappointments rule our decisions and plans, we will miss out on the things that God has waiting for us. Why not demonstrate that to our children too?

Great Point

March 2nd, 2007

Regular readers of this post would have seen the comment by Kitty the other day regarding having little time for herself and her struggle to become a Proverbs 31 Woman. I am sure there are many women who struggle with this.

I’ve been reading a book called ‘Undercover‘ by John Bevere and he makes the point how important it is that we read the word of God and get it from Him first hand. That often receiving second-hand accounts of something does not instill the Word of God in us. We can hear and read things that inspire us but it doesn’t implant the Word firmly inside us. He used Eve as an example. Eve wasn’t told by God not to pick the fruit in the garden – she was told by Adam, and John Bevere believes that because she hadn’t been told first-hand it didn’t mean as much to her. The evidence he used for this was in Genesis 3:1-3 where she says to the serpeant ‘We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden’ but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die’.” Now she says ‘God has said’ which indicates she was told by someone else what God said. Also He didn’t say anything about not touching the fruit, just that they weren’t to eat it. John says a whole lot of other things and they really make sense and our church makes this book compulsory reading for people in leadership there.

I encourage you to do the same, or check with your Pastor for recommended reading. And I urge you all to take the time to read God’s Word everyday so it is instilled within because you may find that much confusion is therefore shifted from you. So, enjoy reading books, blogs, things on the web, but don’t let it become a substitute for reading God’s Word first-hand – make the time for that and you’ll find that He will help you with the time for everything else.

All That We Have Accomplished…

February 18th, 2007

“Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us.” Isaiah 26:12 NIV

I receive a daily bible reading from a friend overseas and the message from yesterday is above. It struck a chord with me as I’ve been very conscious lately of God’s input into my life, and in particular to my business.

Readers here may not know of my passion for ministry in business and the workplace. I have another blog named Workplace Ministry and to the right of this blog I’ve added a link to WPM and also a subscription link. This may particularly appeal to those readers here who are running a business and managing a family and striving to become a Proverbs 31 Woman. However, the blog is for anyone and everyone with an interest in ministry in the workplace.  KMT

Being a Proverbs 31 Woman

January 26th, 2007

During the course of doing this study it became clear to me that the Proverbs 31 Woman as depicted here is very much what many women want to be today. I’m talking about those who want to work at home and be there for their families, instead of being out in the workforce away from their homes and families.

The cost of childcare has gone through the roof which has made it difficult for many, however, those providing the childcare also deserve to be recompensed for their time and what they do. The need for police checks and screenings to ensure our children are safe when in the care of another has increased the desire and need to be at home with our families. And the fact that so many families are now isolated and away from their extended family connections for many reasons: chasing work in another region or state, family breakdowns, the need to get away from abusive family members and so on.

Family life as we knew it from a generation or two ago has changed considerably and yet the longing for us to bring it all back together to give our children a family life balance has become a strong desire and a necessity.

I thank God that He gave me both the desire and then the opportunity (and the ability to recognise that opportunity) 13 years ago so I could be home for our 5 girls as they were growing up. I have been home for them during their teenage years and they are all now young adults in their 20s and moving into a working world – two of them are also married.

I see my role today very much being like that in Titus 2:4-5 Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

Being busy at home can include operating a business at home to help support the family, as long as it’s not put ahead of the family, i.e. there needs to be a balance in the time spent in the business and in the home doing mothering and housewifely duties. I’ve always enjoyed keeping house and cooking and am happy to take myself into the kitchen to prepare the evening meal before my husband comes home. Just knowing he appreciates it means so much and just last week when he came home he told me “You don’t know how good it is to know that you are here to come home to.” It made me wonder what was said at work that day by one of his mates.