Mothers and the Proverbs 31 Woman

The Proverbs 31 woman was a wife, mother and business woman. It’s important to remember those three aspects – all knitted into one.

Today women struggle to manage all their various roles and the many hats they wear, daughter, sister, auntie, wife, mother, friend, lover, worker, nurse, house duties and so on. Just where do we become ‘me’?

I believe as we grow older we begin to learn more about ourselves but in our younger adult years while coping with a family and work, and being a good wife we can often feel lost from who we really are.

Don’t despair, others have been there before you and it will become more ordered as your life moves on. Content yourself in God’s word and the instructions of King Lemuel’s mother about the Proverbs 31 Woman.

If your family loves you, if your husband knows you care for the home and provide for your family in ways only you can do, if you love the Lord your God and seek His assurance, then you will eventually see who you are and where you have been. You might even get an inkling of where you are going with your life. I know I have.  And when I was first told about the Proverbs 31 Woman many years ago by a wonderful woman pastor at the church I attended I had no idea what God had in store for me in days ahead.

Now I look towards the Titus 2 woman and can see I’m heading in her direction and I know that many of you will be too. And for those of you who are young, perhaps you’ll find a Titus 2 woman in your life to help guide you.

13 Responses to “Mothers and the Proverbs 31 Woman”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Mom Blogs – Blogs for Moms…

  2. Beverly Mahone Says:

    I, too, see myself slipping into the role of the Titus 2 woman. It’s a good place to go because wisdom and experience are great teachers.

  3. Cristy Backus Says:

    Just a question: How do you all think that our children rise up and call us blessed my children are 17,14 and 11. Also I recently got laid off work and have been being a stay at home because of it and sometimes I wonder if I am still being a proverbs 31 woman because of being here at the house I was use to my time having more boundaries and now wonder if I am really doing a good job at this I don’t think my husband or children would ever tell me. Can you all give some advice on things I can do that would really make my family perk up and realize hey she is being a great mom and wife.

  4. proverbs31 Says:

    Hi Cristy, thanks for dropping by.

    When our life changes and it’s beyond our control it’s easy to feel like we’re not doing what we should or that we’re not doing a good job.
    Children at that age rarely tell their mum she’s doing great – it just doesn’t occur to them as they have things going on in their lives too. But I do want to ask you – how often do you praise them or encourage them? Do you find yourself doing it naturally or do you have to make yourself think of doing it?

    Children will copy or learn from the environment they’re in, so if their mother is feeling down or sad (and dad too for that matter) then it will be hard for them to think that they need to encourage and support their parents.

    Start looking for positive things in your children’s and husband’s life and tell them that they’re looking great today, that they’ve done well, that you’re proud of them, that you love how they do this or that. Spend time encouraging your family and you will find, that over time, they will begin to do the same. And after that you will feel that you are doing a good job, even if they don’t actually come out and say so in those words, you’ll just know from their attitudes and how the family and home environment feels.

  5. Al Says:

    What a rare and rich woman indeed. Every man should be so blessed.

  6. Darlene O'Dell Says:

    I stumbled across you site while researching on the proverbs 31 woman.
    in our woman’s bible study we are studying on how to be a woman after god’s own heart and this week was about time management.
    I felt the lord leading me to go to the scriptures about the proverbs 31 woman and see how it relates to the topic we are studying when I read this it deeply touched me.
    The titus 2 woman?

  7. proverbs31 Says:

    Hi Darlene and lovely to hear from you. I’m so glad you found this site and that it has touched you deeply. You have no idea how much that blesses me to hear it.

    Re the Titus 2 woman, read Titus 2:4 and you’ll see that is my current pathway, and probably that of older women in your life as well.

  8. Bev Gorham Says:

    Heard about this site on KLOVE and I am so glad I found it. I am 58 and just realized its time to be a Titus 2 woman! Where did the time go? But I think this is a good place to be. Again, so glad I found this site. Thank you!

  9. proverbs31 Says:

    Nice to hear from you Bev. Tell me about KLOVE. I haven’t heard of it but it’s nice to know my site is being mentioned there.

  10. Maria Figueroa Says:

    Hi I live in Milwaukee WI and I have dicvorced for 4 years and some months. I feeel so lonely at times and I struggle with always wanting someone to ask me to go out. When I say out I mean a walk a shopping mall (to walk arouond and look) sit and have a cup of coffe. Often I ask ,yself am I unattractive because I havent been approached by a man. Here is the ironic thing I am 50 years old and I try to dress nice and I am outgoing and my hair is always nicely done and I do go to malls alone, to movies alone to coffee houses alone and yet have never been approached Please help me understand this

  11. proverbs31 Says:

    Maria, do you belong to a church? I see your email address is related to a mission. Is there a woman you look up to that you could go speak to? If in the church then perhaps the Pastor’s wife, an Elder or similar. Make them aware of your feelings. Or if in the mission, perhaps a woman in a senior role or maybe even someone you feel you connect with.

    People are so busy with their own lives that they often miss what’s right in front of them and sometimes they have to be told. And once they are they will look out for you.

    Or, do you have something you’d like to do as a hobby? Why not look for that thing and start doing something about it? Meeting people with common interests will help develop friendships.

    I’ll pray for you and that there is a woman you can turn to, who can help open doors to friendships and companionship.

  12. Katie Says:

    Just a question: How do you all think that our children rise up and call us blessed my children are 17,14 and 11. Also I recently got laid off work and have been being a stay at home because of it and sometimes I wonder if I am still being a proverbs 31 woman because of being here at the house I was use to my time having more boundaries and now wonder if I am really doing a good job at this I don’t think my husband or children would ever tell me. Can you all give some advice on things I can do that would really make my family perk up and realize hey she is being a great mom and wife.

  13. proverbs31 Says:

    Sometimes it relates to how our children are brought up I’m afraid Katie. From a young age have they been taught to say thank you for things? Even if they have, there is no guarantee but what you can do to help turn things around is start to thank your family for things they do and mention it when you notice something good about them. They more they start to receive from you, the more they’ll start to give as well. Perhaps other readers here might be able to suggest other things to help.

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