Growth and Healing

I manage a forum for women interested in being Proverbs 31 women and I had shared with them there about the loss of our daughter some months ago.  One of the women had commented she didn’t know how she’d cope with something like that.

My response to her astounded me even – it was like God was speaking to us through my fingers.  I hope what I share below will help you too.

It hasn’t been easy by any means and we’re only 9 months down the track.  Two weeks ago (almost) my cousin lost his son in a car accident.  My cousin is not a Christian and now I feel that it’s my role and responsibility to reach out to him and his wife. I hadn’t seen a lot of them over the past 2 or 3 years so I’ll be making up for it now and keeping in constant touch. The funeral was Tuesday just gone so it’s very early days for them yet.

I find often that our healing takes place when we are helping others, our growth takes place through our own personal hardships. So one needs to follow the other so we have this balance of growth and healing.

Now, I hadn’t even thought about that till I typed it just now.

3 Responses to “Growth and Healing”

  1. Jackie Bautista Says:

    I just wanted to share with you that I’m taking a 12 week class at my church: Stone Creek in Urbana, IL. We are studying Proverbs 31 and learning how to be a virtuous woman, see ourselves the way God sees us.

    I am truly sorry for your lost. I do know that when I lost my youngest brother, it felt so comforting to know that Jesus is in control and it tremendously helped me cope with my loss.

    – Jackie Bautista

  2. proverbs31 Says:

    Thanks Jackie. Enjoy your course. We’re progressing slowly – sometimes it feels like we take a step forward and two steps backward but reality is we’re just travelling the road of grief and eventually that road will get easier.

  3. Jackie Bautista Says:

    Hi there, its been such a long time since you and I had that conversation about being a Proverbs 31 woman. It was a divine pleasure meeting you and I truly hope that God continues to work in your life, give you peace.

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