Are You Setting Yourself Up For Failure?
Thursday, June 26th, 2008Some people are sent to try us! There are some people in our lives who are constantly calling on us to do things for them, get them out of trouble, sort out their problem and so on. You know the type of person don’t you? I’m sure you do. We have someone like that in our lives too. We love her dearly but do get frustrated that she just doesn’t seem to be able to organise herself and often calls because she needs our help to get her out of a situation.
Most of the time it’s because of bad planning. The problems arise because she suddenly thinks of something she needs and has forgotten and, because I work from home and am here 99% of the time, with the car, guess who gets called to rush to her aid?
I get torn between going to help her out of trouble, and leaving her to sort it out – she needs to start becoming independent. This person is in her mid 20s and is very intelligent and capable, but lacks organisation.
Perhaps it’s not that you know someone like that, but you might be like that yourself and you find yourself in the bad habit of just not planning ahead, not foreseeing your needs and then having to lean on someone at the last minute because you can’t sort it out alone.
All through verses 10-31 of Proverbs 31, the wife and mother is shown to be someone who plans, looks ahead, considers things before she does them, and sets about her tasks vigorously. There is not a hint of indecision, of last minute rushes, of failing to achieve. In fact, the second half of verse 27 says she does not eat the bread of idleness – this indicates to me that her mind is always on what needs to be done, and what there is ahead of her.
If you are someone who fails to plan, the old saying says that you are planning to fail, and there is some truth in that. None of us can see ahead to what might be, but we can certainly plan ahead for what could be.
Are you setting yourself up for failure or are you planning to be organised and ready for whatever lies ahead? It’s your decision. But if you find you can’t manage it alone, then know that you can call on God to help you. Lay it all before Him and ask Him to help you be more organised in your day, every day.